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#38 Founders' Mental Health 101, with Dr. Michael Freeman

38 min

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72% of entrepreneurs are directly or indirectly affected by mental health issues according to a study by Dr. Michael Freeman (UC Berkley). There’s no doubt that founders' mental health matters for startups. That’s why in this mental health month, we sat with the author of this research. Dr. Michael Freeman is a psychiatrist, a fourth-generation serial entrepreneur, and an executive coach, who serves on the faculty of the Department of Psychiatry at the University of California San Francisco School of Medicine.

He has held CEO and C-level leadership positions in several public and private sector health care organizations, and he is currently the founder of ECcona, a global center for entrepreneur mental wellness. In this episode Arthur Nobel, from Knight Capital and Michael Freeman, sat down to discuss:

5:00 The three dimensions of mental health

7:00 The mental differences that entrepreneurs have

11:00 The importance of self-awareness and self-efficacy

16:20 Medication for mental health conditions

19:50 How your environment affects mental health

22.45 Resilience strategies to increase mental health

31:50 How can companies manage the mental health of their employees

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